January 31, 2023/Furniture Insights
January 2023 Furniture Insights®
The current survey results continue to be difficult to make complete sense of since so many individual companies are in different places themselves. That, along with the other variables we have discussed before, continues to make “reading the tea leaves” hard to do. Read more in our latest Furniture Insights®.
January 16, 2023/Press Release
Smith Leonard Announces 2023 Staff Promotions
Congratulations to our 17 team members who received promotions to start 2023, including three new partners. We are so proud of their accomplishments and the tremendous value they bring to the firm and to our clients. Brandon Hedrick, Tax Partner Jeremy Hiatt, Assurance Partner Andrew Wright, Assurance Partner Amanda Cromartie, Client Accounting Services Senior Manager […]
January 10, 2023/Press Release
Five New Staff Members Added to Start 2023
Smith Leonard announces the addition of five staff members to kick off the new year. Ryan Southard returns as an associate on the assurance team after previously completing an internship last summer. The tax team adds a pair of interns Josh McCown and Jared Morgan. Raycia Evans-Crawford and Emily Adkins join the client accounting services […]
January Tax Filing Information
As the end of 2022 quickly approaches, we would like to remind you of the importance of reporting the proper inclusion of common fringe benefits in an employee’s, officer’s, and/or shareholder’s taxable wages.